Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Anticipate Your Future With an Extraordinary Purpose For 2013

In the beginning of your journey as an Internet marketer, it can be very challenging to consider what your future may hold when you are not completely confident that you even have a future doing this. If you were to connect with any other internet marketer and ask them what they would change, they will most likely tell you that their sense of planning could have been more organized. But in order to be successful, you must have a strategy in place for your business growth. It doesn’t matter if you are a veteran to internet marketing or just starting out, you need a plan.

You want to decide where your brand will be 3-5 years down the road. Do you have a brand already? These are things you need to ask yourself. There are several courses out there to teach you how to do things to better your business. Many new internet marketers jump from course to course continuously. That can be a bad thing if what they are learning is not going to be included in their future. For example, you despise anything that deals with AdSense site creation, but you spend hundreds of dollars on a course that is going to teach you this. You do so because you have heard many times that it will help you to make more money each month. If you are not planning to build your business with that particular business model in the years to come, this will be a waste of money.
For 2013, sit down and develop a plan that details how you want to grow your business. It’s always great to have your thoughts laid out and to have a year that is overflowing with endeavors and motivation. When you can understand where it is that you are going, you can plan exactly how to get to that place. Surround yourself with things that are exciting for you to do along this journey. You will not last very long in this industry if you are terrified of sitting down and completing those tasks that aggravate you or cause you to become bored easily. The gratification you receive from working for yourself is that you are the boss.

In this industry you want to lead by example always. Strong emphasis will be put on being able to plan and focus and if you are a leader, you must teach those things. Branding yourself is where you need to start. How do you want others to perceive you years from now? You can either brand yourself using your name, a pen name, or a moniker that you have created. Once you have a clear sense of how you’d like to become well known, you must seek out your main competitors. What do they do better than you? When marketing is the focus, what do you do better than them? If you can specify your own faults, you have an upper hand in this industry and will progress ahead. You must be eager to employ changes during your journey.

You can employ change simply by seeking out those cutting edge strategies that will help you to carry on for the long haul. There will be several strategies that are often seen as flash in the pan ones, and you must stay out the way of those. More and more small business entrepreneurs will be going online with their ideas in 2013. It is very crucial that you stay inspired and have that motivation to pull in your target market and win them over. You can do anything that you set your mind to.

Much Success, 

P.S. Check out how these homeless guys turned their situation around for the better using a simple Blogging Website with Phenomenal Training and have helped thousands of others to do the same!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

5 Tactics that Will Keep You Motivated in Your Work At Home Business

Are you feeling distracted or in a slump in your home business? Things just seem to be all over the place and you have no clear path of consistency on a day to day basis. Well whether you are new at your home business or you have been working it for several years, in order to have recurrent success you need to remain motivated. You are not alone because nearly everyone goes through a slump in their home business. But in order to reach your targeted goals you must maintain motivation at all times. Use these five effortless tactics to help you maintain the needed motivation to have a successful work at home business.

1.       Make a To-Do List to Work From

You need to construct a list of things that need to be done in your business. This list can be daily, weekly, or even a monthly list to follow. This list will be such an influential instrument in helping you to achieve tasks in your home business. Be sure to prioritize your list so that the most imperative things get done first. Put your most dreadful tasks at the top of your list so that you get those out the way and have the rest of the day to focus on the things you actually like to do. Your list can  be comprised of things like advertising avenues, follow-up phone calls, and even organizing your desk to remove clutter. If you make this list and then check off tasks as you do them, you will become one of the successful business people. As you are finishing up things from the list and checking them off, you get a sense of achievement.

2.       When Business is Slow, Explore New Business Opportunities

Everyone goes through the sluggish times in business so don’t lose hope. Just because you are experiencing a slow period doesn’t mean you have to rush out and apply for a job. You must remain motivated and exploring other opportunities that would work well with your present business. Search for services or products that will go over very well during your slow period to compensate for what is not selling well. This helps you to both make money and have multiple income streams all year round.

3.       Further Your Education with Online Training Courses

In order to maximize your profits and your skills, consider educating yourself with online training courses. Find courses that relate to your niche or field and educate yourself with things that will benefit your work at home business and yourself. You can take the courses at your own pace and it’s a whole lot less expensive than an actual college course.

4.       Enlarge Your Promotional Avenues

There are so many others that have been in business for a long time and have more experience than you do. Never settle for less. Feed off the experiences and knowledge of those experiences individuals to enlarge your means of marketing your business. Follow some of the top marketers work to get new ideas on marketing. Don’t be afraid to explore off-line marketing methods as well. Testing your efforts to see the yielded results will help you maintain motivation. This will give you much more excitement than purchasing ads that you never know whether or not worked for you!

5.       Connect with Like-Minded Individuals
Network with other people that are in the same niche or related fields as you that can give you support and guidance. This will help you to stay motivated as well. Many people tend to feel alone when working at home because they don’t leave the house as much. But once you connect with others that do the same thing, you find an outlet that will help you along with those lonely days.

Let these tactics be a guideline to keep you motivated in your work at home business and never give up. You deserve all the success imaginable!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

How to Make Back-End & Residual Commissions Effortlessly!

What is residual income? Well residual income is the money that an independent contractor or affiliate marketer gets to pocket without effort or doing any work. It surely doesn’t get better than this. Selling back-end products will allow for you to be paid for work that you have to do a number of times. In essence, the bigger picture is for you to work smarter and not harder here.

So you may ask, what are the back-end products? This will be the service or product that you will present to your current customers/clientele. These will be those people that have purchased a front-end aka lead product from you at one point. The most successful of online marketers make the bulk of their money by selling their customers/clientele the second, third, etc. products than they did on that first product. What is the reason for this? Well, if the person has bought something from you in the past, they will be more prone to purchase from you again.

You want to take focus from short-term strategies like the “take the money and run” strategy and use approaches like back-end offers because they are not as in use in the internet world. I’m sure you have seen a fair share of the “take the money and run” websites all over the internet. Their focal point is to get tons of traffic and then sell the visitor an extremely costly product that does not deliver what it is said to deliver. This may allow money to be made in the short run but that will be their only sale to that particular customer. This will then turn into the person having to spend a ton of money on more advertising to try and get more visitors to bamboozle.

The sites that you see that are more successful focus mainly on creating and maintain a solid relationship with the customer. Your main goal is to see to it that your customer is exceptionally satisfied and not just somewhat satisfied. Your customers will be more apt to trust you if you deliver what you say you are going to deliver to them. You can sell them virtually anything if you have their trust. So then whenever you send them an email that will offer them something else you think they may be interested in, they will immediately purchase from you because they now trust in you. In the marketing and sales world, trust is everything.

Much Success, 

Friday, November 16, 2012

The 10 Most Stressful Jobs of 2012

Most Stressful Jobs of 2012
Stress. We’ve all experienced it in our working lives. It’s that pressure we feel in response to particular situations, whether real or imagined.
Though our response to stress is an inherent part of our biology and was a key factor to our ancestors’ survival in the wild, we rarely have to worry about being eaten alive these days. The stress we encounter at work is very different and is felt more consistently.
“One of the differences between us and our ancestors is that we can mentally and emotionally live as if the tiger never goes away. It can lead to a nervous system that’s in a near-constant state of arousal,” says Karen Sothers, a Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) expert in San Diego. “This is one of the reasons why mediatation is essential because it teaches us to regulate our thoughts and emotions so we can skillfully respond to challenges.”
According to a recent study commissioned by the American Psychological Association, more than one-third (36%) of all workers say they typically feel tense or stressed out during their workdays, with 20% reporting that their average daily level of stress is an 8, 9 or 10 on a 10-point scale.
Sothers is not surprised that most workers feel stressed. She points out that “the level of uncertainty in the workplace increases people’s stress levels exponentially.”
Not all jobs are created equal when determining their level of stress, though. There are many environmental factors that can’t be compared, such as a soldier guarding a base, a police officer chasing a mugger or a firefighter running into a burning building. In our Jobs Rated study, all three professions rank in the top 10 of the nation’s most stressful jobs.
"Being in the military is physically and mentally demanding, and it can be very stressful, especially if you're in combat." says Jack, an enlisted military soldier whose real name is withheld for security reasons. "While being in the military does have its stresses, there are also a few benefits. We have a stable pay check and health care benefits, plus 30 days of paid vacation a year to help combat the stress."
Of course, stress is in the mind of the beholder. “Compared to a soldier, police officer or fireman, there’s no way my job is as stressful,” says Stratis Zervos, an award-winning photojournalist. “My job is not stressful on a day-to-day basis. It can be for an individual story, depending upon the circumstances and the subject you’re shooting, but, for the most part the job isn’t as stressful as other jobs. It is exciting and fun to go to every day!”
To better understand the jobs that were rated the most stressful, review the following summaries and see if you agree with our methodology:

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Made $50 Already.....It's Only 6:30 a.m.

Starting my day off with $50 deposited in my paypal already and waiting on $25 more....no telling how much more I will get from other income streams today!!! READY TO MAKE A CHANGE, GO HERE Andrea's Money-Making Team AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!! 3 income streams on my site listed here and I have more!!! Bring in $1000 weekly with my methods if you are READY!!

Join my ZNZ team

Join my Copy Paste Cash team

Join my Instant Rewards team

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Learn to Interact in Real Time with Your Leads/Prospects In 2013

A lot of marketers view being in an environment that poses real time interaction with their leads as a scary situation. This is common among those that don’t have a huge following. More and more entrepreneurs are implementing being there for leads/prospects in an actual live atmosphere where they can engage the leads/prospects in a live environment. Hosting seminars is a great way to do this. If that’s something you are comfortable with doing, I say go for it. The only downside to hosting seminars is that you would possibly be shutting out some of your followers that view you as their expert if they cannot attend those seminars.

Using a tool such as Ustream will allow you to attain that real time communication with your leads/prospects. Invest in a good webcam because you will be shown on that when using Ustream. This way your listeners can engage in chatting with you and others during the presentation. Now there are several marketers that are doing this the wrong way. Once they see words like presentation and seminar, they automatically assume that delivering a hard sale will be one of the things they have to do. Relationship building in 2013 is most certainly not about that at all. Building a solid trust and giving your leads/prospects value is what relationship building is about. You have to be available to them and open yourself up for any and all questions your followers may have. All they want to know is that you truly care about them and that you are not all about making a quick sale off of them.

Most of your leads/prospects have genuine questions that they are not able to find a solution to. That should not scare you at all. If they ask a question that you don’t have the answer to, simply say “I’m not sure about that, but I will definitely find the answer for you” and then keep that promise and follow up with them once you have the answer.

Hosting live events is a brilliant tool that will allow you to grow your business. Case in point, someone may ask you a question about something you never even considered and that in turn opens up a new perspective to something like a new eBook or other idea that you’ve never thought of! Now you don’t have to do live events very often. Scheduling at least one every quarter is a good idea. That way the questions build over time and new leads/prospects are invited to attend your events. Be sure to record your events and always share them with your future subscribers.

Over time some of you will grow and then be able to implement more and more real time options for servicing your leads/prospects. Some of these other options may include using HostGator and even GoDaddy. That would a superb accomplishment but don’t feel left out if you simply cannot afford those means just yet. As time progresses, you will be able to eventually scale up. But you want to make sure that 2013 is the year that you step outside your comfort zone and think quick on your toes and get comfortable being in front of individuals, whether that is on a web cam or in person. This is not a beauty contest and people are only there to gain and share information, not to critique how you may sound or your looks.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012



If you have a computer and internet access, you’ve got all you need to make this work!


This is a serious work from home opportunity!

Click Here to Learn More! http://shortmeup.com/?uP


Are You A Stay At Home Mom Looking To Work From Home???

Are You A Stay At Home Mom Looking To Work From Home??? This is how I earn $80-$800 weekly at home... http://shortmeup.com/?wN




Thursday, September 27, 2012



Create wealth from home

Create wealth from home and earn money globally with this simple method http://bit.ly/NQjDXf .....

Earn $300 a day!

Earn $300 a day at home using this http://bit.ly/Si5lLi ...click link, join & complete 1 credit to qualify to get PAID DAILY!!! Or you can choose to get the electronics!!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

MCA (Motor Club of America) Is On FIREEEE!!!! Retire EARLY!

MCA is rock solid with an excellent service -

Motor Club of America has been around since 1926 and

we are growing faster than AAA in the U.S. & Canada.

MCA will pay you $80.00 to $90.00 per sale... WEEKLY!!

Let's do the math...

1 Sale A Day = $560.00 Per Week!
2 Sales A Day = $1,120.00 Per Week!!
3 Sales A Day = $1,680.00 Per Week!!!

TURN A $40 INVESTMENT INTO Multiple $80 Checks Daily!!

200% COMMISSIONS Guaranteed.

Full benefits on startup.


Earn $500-$1000+ Weekly Part-Time.

WATCH my MCA benefits presentation on YouTube

Everyone needs this kind of coverage at some point, why not be the one that can provide it!

MCA is on FIRE right now & will CONTINUE to be! Contact me now so I can show you how to make life much much easier!

Join me Today!

Start making a difference in your life as well as the ones around you!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

How to Make $20-$300 Daily Online

Hello to all of my readers. I am up working online at 1:31 am and I find this is the best time for me to do some work since my son is sleeping and there are TONS of people online at this hour on the social media sites. I go on Facebook, Twitter and Tagged and have conversations with people and find out a lot about them. I find that I have a lot in common with some of these people and we end up chatting for hours. Well what ends up happening is that they ask me what I do for a living or either why I'm up at these hours and I tell them that I work from home and this is when I get a lot of work done while my son is sleeping or if I can't sleep.

I go on to help these same people learn how they too can make money online and they are ever so grateful for me giving them advice and showing them what I do. I do a lot of internet marketing and work with freebie sites, network marketing and direct sales. I love that I can work when I want and spend time with my son every single day. So what I want to show you all today is one of the methods that I use to make $20-$300 daily online and this is only ONE of my streams of income.

With this method, I simply refer others that are looking to make income online or want to try products or services that some of the Fortune 500 companies offer in the form of trial offers. If the person chooses to do this to make money, they simply sign up using my referral link and complete the trial offer(s) to get their required credits for the site and they are then qualified to make money on that specific site forever. If they only want to try certain products or services, they still signup and complete the trials they want and if they choose, they still have the option to make money on that site. So it's a win-win situation.

Below are a list of some of the sites that I use to make money on daily doing the exact method I just mentioned:





So what you want to do is visit each site, scroll to the bottom and where it asks to enter your email address to signup, be sure it has my name Andrea Carter as your referrer. Signup and enter all your information and then go to the OFFERS tab and complete your offers to get 1.00 credit on each site. This will allow you to make anywhere from $20-$300 daily if not more depending on how much you work it!


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Fire Your Boss–Really!

Funny…most people think online opportunities are pyramids schemes …
Sorry to tell you naysayers but, if you have a job, you are involved in a pyramid scheme..
-Middle Management
(You at the bottom) Hard Working Employee
This Looks Like a Pyramid Scheme To Me!
Get Mad Like I Did And Start Your Own Business Here…
Very Easy Work From Home System!! Get Started Today!! Don’t live life pay check to paycheck

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Printing For Less Save $40 on 1st Order of Marketing Materials

Need business cards, brochures, postcards, etc. You can save $40 on your first order with PrintingForLess.com! To get this discount, simply enter RP1IRU5KV in the referral code box when ordering online at www.printingforless.com or mention this code when you call 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Instant Rewards (IMN) - Make Money DAILY!

Instant Rewards is part of the Instant Money Network. We work alongside Fortune 500 companies and get paid to have referrals sign up for trial offers to these Fortune 500 companies. Pay is daily and ranges from $10-$120 per referral. This is a great way to start making money online if you are thinking about getting into internet marketing. If you are already in that industry, this would be an awesome additional stream of income to add.

Join Instant Rewards TODAY & Get Paid DAILY!

ZNZ On Steroids 2.0 - FREE System With Multiple Income Streams

Join ZNZ On Steroids 2.0 For FREE

Copy Paste Cash - I'm LOVING It!!

Join Copy Paste Cash TODAY 

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Ultimate Power Profits - Get In While It's FREE To Join!

The Paradigm Shift goes Live in Just Weeks!
100% of ALL Members Earn Commissions EVERY 6 Days (or Less)
Social Marketing™ is the new GLOBAL PowerProfits™ program that guarantees that 100% of ALL
members earn commissions every 6 days... YES, you read it correctly... 100% of our members earn
commissions in 6 days (or less)!
Tired of just 2% making all the money, now 100% earn commissions and share in the Company profits!
Social Marketing™ is a GLOBAL Paradigm Shift in the way to do business and share in profits!
Never need to refer anyone to earn... However, when you do refer others it Pays Big...
Just 2 qualified referrals can EASILY pay you OVER 100-times EVERY MONTH
3 qualified referrals can pay you OVER 500-times EVERY MONTH
  • Everyone helps everyone
  • Huge bonuses paid on all personally referred people
  • Extra bonuses on ALL that sponsor through 4 peer-tier referrals
  • Outside customers drive incredible additional Profit Pools

  • Copy + Paste = CA$H

    Yep, I'm here to tell you that this system is a MUST HAVE if you are serious about making a living out of Internet Marketing. This will offer you training systems that will teach you how to make money on the internet. It's a simple hands-on system that will guide you to success.

    Think of this as BOOT CAMP for serious internet MARKETING!! We offer simple training systems to teach you how to profit via the Internet. Our core training product is a “hands-on” system designed to get you immediate results, while teaching you the “ins and outs” of making money online. “It’s like going to technical college to learn a trade. Only you get paid for taking the courses! This training system is simply amazing!”

    You would be posting short,  simple ads online and making bank!

    We will provide:

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    -Advancement opportunities.


    From the comfort of your own home.


    Get Started Today! You could be making online cash in less than an hour from now!

    Saturday, September 1, 2012

    FINALLY, A FREE Way to Make Money Online! - No Investment Required!

    For those that follow me, you know that I am involved in multiple income streams. I try to research them all and make sure that they are legitimate. This one was just started by Troy Humphrey and it's a FREE way to make money online. Yes, I said FREE!

    Finally a FREE way to make money online -- NO INVESTMENT REQUIRED AT ALL -- A lot of people ask me everyday is there a way I can start earning income online for FREE?? Well the answer is YES -- this system is a FAST and EASY way to start earning income online at home. They pay every single Saturday via Paypal and it's FREE to join and start making money online. 

    Wednesday, August 29, 2012

    Project Payday - Realistic Extra Income for the Average Joe

    Project Payday - Realistic Extra Income for the Average Joe

    13 of my 14 test students - all "Average Joes" with no prior experience - made between $200 and $2,500 in their FIRST 30 DAYS.

    Since then, 1000s of people all across North America have used my step-by-step system to make the extra income they need, working online in their spare time.

    Like Emily, who made $210 in spendable cash in her first 3 days ...

    Emily B., Wilmington, NC

    Get Started Now with NO Out-Of-Pocket Cost

    To no longer receive emails about Project Payday, click here or write to PPD Opt Out 1675 Larimer St Ste 640 Denver CO 80202 USA


    Internet Millionaire helps you make money online

    Make Extra Money!

    Wednesday, August 22, 2012

    NetSpend Pays You $20 EVERYTIME!

    Make $20 over & over for simply referring others to get a FREE Netspend prepaid card! How much easier can making money get. Each time you refer someone to your referral link for Netspend and they get a card and load it with $40 at a reload center, you make $20. This is the easiest money I've ever made. This is one of the income streams in ZNZ on Steroids 2.0 which I'm a part of! Watch the brief video below!    
    Get Your Netspend Card TODAY! 

    Join ZNZ on Steroids for FREE!!

    Proof Motor Club of America Works...Stop Living Life BROKE?

    Watch this and see if it changes your mind about the MCA business opportunity!!


    Get Started Today 
    Email Me if you have questions! 
    Find Me on Facebook 
    Facebook Fan Page 
    Find Me on Twitter

    Tuesday, August 21, 2012

    No Referrals Needed To Earn Money




    Everyone Helps Everyone...
    Up To 4 Generations of Matching Bonuses!
    NO referrals to earn!!! Launches soon so hurry up and check it out


    Monday, August 20, 2012

    Make $50 TODAY and Start Getting Paid EVERYDAY!



    You will go to each link below, scroll to bottom where it asks for your email address and be sure that it says Andrea is your referrer. Enter email address and once that's done, it will take you to page to setup your personal information. Complete that and then go to the "Offers" tab and complete offers that equal to 1.00 credits on each site. Try to choose an offer of something that you think you will like to try. This will then qualify you to start making money on these sites using your own referral links. ALL sites must be completed in order to receive payment from me!

    SimplyOne Custom Freebies

    Instant Rewards Quick:

    Please email me at myznzcareer@gmail.com with the email address that you signed up with once you have completed ALL sites and your offers.



    Thursday, August 16, 2012

    Two Dollar & Six Dollar Click - Are They Scams?

    Almost 2 weeks ago I wrote on here about these sites that pay you to click and view ads. Well I had gotten some referrals they they've been hard at work and so have I. I had also got those that said it was a scam and we'd never get paid. Well, I have since gotten confirmation from one of my referrals that her friend has just gotten paid her $6,000 from the Six Dollar Click site and Paypal has confirmed via phone that people are receiving their money from these sites. I am now up to $92 on Two Dollar Click and $203.40 on Six Dollar Click and I am soooo excited about this.

    I will continue to promote my sites and make money with them and once I get my payout, I will be sure to post it here as well. I will keep you all updated as well as I progress along until I reach my payout minimums! This will blow up super fast with all of my Facebook friends now and Twitter followers. Nothing like working from home and making some easy money online. Oh, and most of the ads that they have you click on are actually some great sites & business opportunities. I know because I'm involved in a couple of them! :-)

    Well I'm off to go make some more money and then spend the rest of the day with my little one when he gets up from his nap. Later my friends!!! Hope to see you all on the other side!

    They are both free to join.... I don't plan on buying the upgrade options either!


    Wednesday, August 15, 2012

    Is Motor Club of America (MCA) a Scam?? Read This NOW!

    Motor Club of America has been in business since 1926 and providing both drivers and non-drivers benefits such as unlimited towing, tire changes, locksmith services, $1000 in credit card protection, $500 cash for emergency room visits, up to $60k in accidental death benefits, and so much more. I joined MCA for two reason.

    One was because I was immediately drawn to having all of that coverage plus more. I joined at the $19.95 a month plan which gives me over $150,000 in benefits. I sleep better at night knowing that I am fully covered by MCA. I paid for my first & last month up front which was $39.90 and then I pay my monthly fee. But that sure bets the heck out of having to pay a towing company $50+ if I break down on the interstate. If this happens, all I have to do is call MCA and they send someone out to get me at no charge. I just sign and go!

    The second reason I joined MCA was because of their referral program. MCA pays me weekly for offering these amazing benefits to others. I make anywhere from $40-$90 per person that I refer. Now these people can simply sign up and only enjoy the benefits as customers or if they want to make some money, they too can start referring others.

    Motor Club of America has changed my life because they've allowed me to work from home and bring in a weekly paycheck. Being a single mother, that has helped me tremendously. And I have peace of mind whenever I am traveling because I know that MCA has my back should I need them. I have had friends and family that were with AAA switch over to MCA because they get more bang for their buck! Some of them have also started their home business as a referral associate with MCA as well.

    This is something that is truly a blessing and MCA will continue to be around for many, many more years to come. How could you not want to enjoy these benefits and make sure that your family is covered should an accident happen? Well, I wasn't about to take that chance with my family. And even if you are a trucker, MCA offers benefits for you as well which will cover your 18-wheeler as well as your family and personal vehicle. Don't push this company aside. Make a decision that will only help you in the long run. I did!!

    Join MCA as a Customer!

    MCA Referral Program/Business Opportunity

    Freebie Sites That Pay On-Time Everytime

    So I got into this whole freebie world at the beginning of this year. I used to think all of these sites were scam sites and that they would never really pay me or send me the free electronics that I would earn. Well a couple of my friends were actually into this and I decided, "What the heck" and gave it a try. I kept digging and eventually found tons of people on Facebook that were doing this and even joined several of the Facebook groups and we have all made lots of money or gotten our prizes from these sites. I am so glad that I met this honest group of people through my friends, because if I had not, I would still think these sites were useless.

    The first one I ever did was a site that allowed you to earn a free Nintendo Wii or $250 cash. So I decided I'd try for the cash first to see how this all works. Well I got my referrals for that and a couple days later I received my $250 cash in my Paypal account and I almost fell out of me chair when I saw that they actually paid me. Oh yea, it was on from there! The site even sent extra to cover Paypal fees, so I got my entire $250 and not $245, $235.50, etc. The entire $250 was my money. I was immediately hooked and joined more sites.

    I then moved on to one that allowed you to get either an iPod, iPad, iPhone, Apple TV or $300 cash. What did I choose?? Yep, the $300 cash!! I jumped on Facebook and promoted and I got all of my referrals and a few days later, I received an email stating that I received a payment to my Paypal account AGAIN! Yep, they sent extra this time as well to pay Paypal fees. So I transferred all of my money to my bank account and was on to the next site. Of course, I'm now losing sleep playing with these sites all day and night because it's easy money and very simple to get it.

    So now you have it, some legitimate Freebie sites that actually pay YOU!!! All it takes if for you to complete one offer on each of the sites and then refer the number of people you need for the prize you want and BOOM, you get paid.

    Get $300 Cash for referring 6 people or a Playstation Vita >>>>>>>>> CLICK HERE to get started!!!

    Get $350 Cash for referring 7 people or Nintendo 3DS >>>>>>>>> CLICK HERE to get started!!!

    Get $300 Cash for referring 6 people or iPod Touch >>>>>>>>>> CLICK HERE to get started!!!

    Thursday, August 9, 2012


    Your landlord, Your mortgage holder (bank), * Your cable 
    company, Your phone company, Your electric and gas 
    company, Your water company, Your insurance company
    Your car note holder (the bank AGAIN!) Do I really need to
    go on? These people CAN'T WAIT until the first of the month
    because they have set themselves up to receive the very thing
    that you provide them with every month ...

    ------------------ RESIDUAL INCOME! ------------------

    And they don't care if you have a hard time getting the money.
    They don't care if your dog died. They don't care if you were sick.
    even be mad at them. They were smart. They understood HOW to
    get wealthy. They are IN THE GAME. You're not! You chase money
    to hand over to them, so that they can put gas in their yachts, their
    planes and their $300,000 sports cars. You chase money to hand over
    to them, so that they can pay for their summer mansion in the south
    of France. You actually tense up and get scared like a little kid when
    you don't have their money on time, because you don't want them

    * Cable
    * Phone
    * Etc, etc.

    Geesh! ( Shaking my head ... )

    If you're NOT looking forward to going through all this again in
    September ..EMAIL ME so that 
    we can get you going to change that.

    Or if you are so MOTIVATED that you just can't wait and are

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