Saturday, September 7, 2013

How to Build Your Own List with Articles

A lot of newbies in the internet marketing arena don’t know that you can simply write articles to start building
your lists. All you have to do is write an article about your business or something you have expertise in and submit it to some of the top article directories. If you don’t know what article directories are, just google it and a ton of them will pop up. A lot of them allow you to submit articles for free. One of the major ones used by marketers is and if done right, you can drive massive traffic to your website from Ezine.  A lot of eZine publishers and their readers are always searching for some good information to republish and provide to their subscribers and readers.

Writing articles can be a great way to leverage your viral marketing efforts and it can prove to be very rewarding. Your articles show how much expertise you have in certain areas and proves your worth to those that are looking for information you may know about. So you may now be wondering, how can this help build my list? Well the answer is rather simple. The resource box that you are going to attach to all of your articles will contain very brief details about you and your business along with your URL.

Be sure that the URL you place in your resource box links back to your capture page that is connected to your mailing list autoresponder. So once your visitor enters their email address and name, it will go directly into your list. A lot of the time eZine publishers will republish your articles if they are valuable. When they republish your article, your resource box with your URL is also shared amongst their subscribers and their readers. This is all a part of viral marketing!

Now you can get started writing article and submit them to some of the trusted article submitter sites. Don’t wait, go ahead and start on your journey to article marketing and start building your list. It will all be worth it in the end!

Much Success,

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