Thursday, February 21, 2013

Developing a Motivated Mindset

There will come that time when every one of us seems to find ourselves stuck in a rut that is filled with lack of interest and boredom. It feels as though you have lost your enthusiasm and you are always feeling irritable and tired. You have no motivation and can’t seem to muster up any. You may just want to stay in bed hidden under the covers and not face the day ahead of you. There can be several things causing you to feel this way. You may be simply overwhelmed with work needing to be done for your business or flat out tired of your day to day life routine. Whatever it is that has you feeling this way, you need to find a way to get out of this funk.

At some point in time, all of us will encounter this. You are not the only one that may sometimes feel this way. But there is something that can be done to fix this. You want to have that motivation and desire to fulfill whatever it is that needs to be done. That may consist of work that needs to be done for your business, cleaning the house, or simply getting out the house to run errands. You need to break free of this rut you are stuck in and gain excitement for life once again. These tips will help you to achieve just that:

o   Just take a “Break” or “Time Out” – If you are under a lot of stress that has been lingering for quite some time, it will eventually wear you down. So you just need some time to just breathe. You want to clear your mind of any worries that may be stressing you out. This will take some practice but you just want to be sure to not give up. Whenever thoughts start to run into your mind, do whatever it takes to push them out to keep your mind as calm and empty as you possibly can. You want to just let all of your muscles RELAX. Do this by simply taking slow and deep breaths while sitting quietly. If possible, do this twice a day and you will start to see a difference in your mindset. Whether you know it or not, you need just as much quiet time as you need any of the other things in life. The gift of inner peace can take you to new heights.

o   Acquire Inspiration – Read uplifting and motivational things daily. This can be a book, article, or quote. Or you can even listen to inspirational music or motivational speakers that have audios available. Find photos of nature that are breathtaking and look at them. You want to intentionally push your thoughts into a place that is only positive. You will always feel uninspired if you constantly only focus on work and other tasks. Look for things that will lift you up in spirit and make you laugh. Go out and find your inspiration instead of sitting home waiting on it to come find you.

o   Acquire Excitement – What do you have planned for today? Is it something you used to be excited about? If so, revive what use to make you feel enthused about whatever you have planned. How did you feel when you started a new job or new business venture? You were all excited and eager to get going, right? Well that eventually dies down with time and it can die due to several reasons. Just sit back and think what made you get excited before and reawaken that feeling. Just think of all the positive benefits that will come from doing tasks that you aren’t excited about. This should set some fire to you to get you going.

o   Take Baby Steps – We all know that getting started is usually the hardest part. The things you need to do make you cringe when you think of doing them. You are thinking that those things will consume all of your energy and time. Don’t overwhelm yourself with these thoughts. Start out small, maybe set a timer and get to work. Stop every 15 to 30 minutes if you need to. Once you get going, you will not want to stop. Breaking down large tasks into smaller ones will help you manage them better.

o   Take Care of Your Body – Physical deficiencies are usually the cause of fatigue. Get enough sleep, eat healthy, drink a lot of water and get some exercise in daily. We don’t always make the best choice on foods we consume when we are very busy. Stop for a second and think about what you are eating before you eat it. Take care of your body as you would your car. You may not realize it, but your body is considered your vehicle for the mind and soul.

In conclusion, always reward yourself for what you achieved that day. There’s always going to be things that “need” to get done. Stop taking on more than you can handle. Get rid of things that are not bringing you the joy you desire. If you can’t get rid of them completely, cut back on time you may spend doing those things. Either get help or just do what you can and forget about the rest. Never feel that you must do everything all by yourself.

We choose motivation and happiness in our lives. We all may need a little push every now and then, but it is very easy to stay in the right mindset once we reach it!

To Your Success,

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